Stress Free Bunny Boarding (and other small animals)
It can often be worrying trying to find someone trustful and knowledgeable to take care of your beloved bunnies and/or small animals. Let me take that worry away - so you can go and enjoy your well earned break.
Bunny Boarding North Shore is a small luxury boutique boarding lodge with clean and cosy accommodation in a quiet garden. The property is safe and secure and monitored at all times.
Unlimited fresh hay is provided along with bunny safe grass/weeds/vegetables/herbs and the occasional fresh fruit treat. Particular dietary requirements can be catered for where needed. Please supply their normal pellets so your pet continues eating what they know and love. We also recommend bringing along any loved toys or blankets from home.
Proof of the Filavac vaccination is required before boarding. If your bunny requires medication, I can do this for you free of charge. I also have a bunmergency kit on site.
Each guest is housed in their own individual apartment, or in double units for bonded buns. Whilst the apartments are definitely roomy with run-around space, with your permission I will make sure that your bunny has regular exercise in the Bun Run (weather permitting), please rest assured that your bunny’s needs will be well taken care of.
All bunnies/small animals are visually separated from other boarders to ensure there is no stress, this is very important in a boarding environment.
I will keep you updated with photos and messages on how they are settling in and what fun things they have been up to while staying with us!
“5 star holiday love and care for our little family members”
Introducing the amazing Sophia our weekday Small Animal Boarding Assistant! Sophia is also a fosterer for 9Lives Orphanage - she fosters bunnies, guinea pigs, cats and kittens. Sophia adores all animals and is extremely caring and knowledgable. She also has 2 bunnies and 2 cats of her own. Make sure you say hi the next time you are here for boarding or grooming!
Beautiful Amy is the most sweetest and caring animal lover we have ever met! Bunny mad, she loves every moment of her Saturday mornings making sure all the boarders are cleaned, fed, run and well cared for. Make sure you say hi to her when you are here so she can tell you all about how much she loves your beloved pet!
The Owner
I am extremely passionate about animals, rabbits in particular and in the past I have found it difficult to find trusted minders, especially ones that don't let you down at the last minute! Rabbits can be tricky at the best of times and well-meaning family members or house minders may not have the knowledge or "eye" to spot when things don't look right.
I wanted to create a haven where bunnies and bunny owners could instantly feel the environment was safe. All Bun-Mums and Dads think about their pet when they are away - but at least they can do so with peace of mind. I am thrilled to be able to provide this bunny sitting service with regular, fun exercise in the carefully designed Bun Run.
Currently I am the proud Bun-Mum of 4 amazing rescue bunnies who all live the indoor/outdoor free range life of luxury! I also have pet rats and they are soooooo incredibly sweet!!!!
BBNS is dedicated to the memory of Benny, who was very loved indeed. Beautiful Benny was a highly strung little man and very much a "look but don't touch me" bun, he certainly kept me on my toes. I am forever grateful for how much he taught me - things that I hadn’t learnt from more chilled out bunnies in the past. I truly believe they impart their wisdom to us bit by bit… so as not to embarrass us.
— Shileigh
Jason is in charge of the online store and all your hay & product orders. He can also be seen around BBNS helping with the boarders. He has many important roles here including, Chief Finance Officer, Inwards Goods Receiver, Logistics Manager, IT Guru to name a few. Most happiest on a beach with a glass of red.